Wood Species
The above stated features of stability refer to the wood specie regardless of the product’s format and size. Data collected and processed by Edilegno/Federlegno Arredo, may only be used by member companies.
All the used wood species have an hardness so as to assure the requested performance. However the floor could be hurt because of knocks or object fall, for the load on a small surface such as shoe heels, ladders etc, or it can be scratched by small objects such as nails or stones under the shoes’ soles. The finish protects the wood and avoids or reduces the absorption, but it doesn’t prevent the problems above. The products must be unpacked at the time of installation which needs to take place when fixtures and plastering are completed, with room humidity from 45% to 60% and temperature not below 10 °C. The products must be laid onto dry sub-floors with humidity not above 2% (1,5% in case of heated floors). To grant a correct stability of the wood floor the room temperature must be between 10° and 25° and relative air humidity between 45% and 60%. With a too low humidity degree, some woods could have a natural stabilisation and particularly suffer from detachments among the strips; on the contrary with a humidity degree above 60% some woods could suffer from swelling. It is therefore very important to assure the proper conditions even in uninhabited rooms.
During the installation of prefinished floors the remaining glue traces must be removed before the drying only using a Hands & tool cleaners without alcohol or solvents. All the products supplied presanded are sanded but not varnished and they need to be treated right after installation with varnish, oil or wax following the instructions supplied by the producers of these treatments. Any further instructions about the installation must refer to the “Handbook for the installation of wood for civil use” (Edilegno/ Federlegno Arredo). Accidental rising damp from the subfloor or flooding can damage the floor even in an irreversible way. Possible colour spots created by carpets or other objects are likely to disappear when the floor is exposed to light. For the installation on heated floors, make sure that the plant respects the law, that the coils are covered by at least 3 cm of concrete, that the maximum temperature on the laying surface is 28 °C and that the heating is started gradually (for more detailed information please ask for the specifications about the heated floors).
Products range can be supplied in a single or in multiple lengths, depending on availability. The supply may contain shorter lengths than those indicated, for a maximum of 10% of the total order. Requests for specific lengths will be assessed from time to time and, if accorded, they may incur in a price rise.
In case of varnished floors, the maintenance must be made with a wellsqueezed humid cloth, adding Bona Cleaner to give more brightness. The use of alcohol, solvents, acids and ammonia can seriously damage the treatment. In case of oiled floors it is advisable to use the maintenance products. For further detailed information about care and maintenance please refer to page 54 of this price list.
* Further information are available inside the packing on the specifications of the product, as per directive of the Ministero delle Attività Produttive (Ministry of the Productive Activities) 3/8/2004 nr. 1.